STEP UP is a Horizon Europe project, running from January 2024 to December 2027, that aims to upgrade livestock production in Europe by making it more sustainable. The project is tackling issues in European livestock farming by giving policymakers clear information on the effects (positive and negative) of raising animals. This information will help establish sustainable, resource-efficient, and transparent farming methods throughout Europe.
IST-ID: A Brief Introduction
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (IST-ID), is a private not-for-profit institution, which primarily aims at carrying out Science and Technology activities, fostering knowledge transfer and promoting the involvement of national and foreign researchers, both at national and international levels, in RD&I projects in their areas of expertise.
Legislation and Regulations: Statute of Scientific Research Fellow, approved by Law nr. 40/2004, of August 18, as worded by Decree-Law nr. 123/2019, of August 28; FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships.
Job opening at IST-ID
Are you a RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP, we are looking for? Join us at IST-ID for the Horizon Europe STEP UP Project. Here are the conditions:
Your scientific area needs to be Environmental modelling and evaluation.
Admission Requirements: candidates must be enrolled at a PhD (at the time of contract signing).
Your work will be developed at the MARATEC Research Centre of Instituto Superior Tecnico, located in Lisboa, Portugal, under the scientific supervision of Doctor Vânia Proença.
Workplan: Within the „STEP UP“ project, this role involves evaluating and developing biodiversity indicators applied to diagnosing the negative and positive impacts of animal production systems in Europe. The goal is to support policies and decision-making. Key tasks include conducting literature reviews, consulting stakeholders, and collecting and processing data to test indicators at different spatial scales and production contexts, assessing their performance. Additionally, the role involves developing new indicators to respond to information needs and promote cost-effective monitoring approaches relevant to biodiversity management and the evaluation of sustainability policies.
Duration: The research fellowship will have a duration of 36 months. It is expected to begin in July 2024 and it may be renewed up to a maximum of 48 months of total duration, never exceeding the end date of the project (foreseen to 05/12/2027). Renewal is conditional on the successful execution of the work plan by the fellowship holder (to be assessed by the selection jury after 18 and 36 months of the grant). When the PhD is awarded during the term of the fellowship contract, it can be completed under the contractual terms established.
Monthly maintenance allowance: According to the values for Research Fellowship awarded by FCT in Portugal, the amount of the monthly maintenance allowance is 1,259,64 €. The payment method is an option of the fellow. The fellow will be reimbursed for his/her payment of Voluntary Social Insurance (up to the amount corresponding to the 1st level).
Selection methods:
The selection methods will be the following:
- Curriculum evaluation (0/20): 60%, with 20% relating to research experience in environmental and biodiversity indicators, 20% relating to experience in data analysis and statistical modelling and 20% relating to scientific production;
- Motivation letter (0/20): 20%;
- Individual interview (in the event of a tie between the best-placed candidates), where motivation and specific knowledge will be assessed: 20% (0/20).
Composition of the Selection Jury:
President: Tiago Domingos (Associate Professor, President of the Jury);
Members: Vânia Proença (Assistant Researcher) and Ricardo Teixeira (Assistant Researcher). Substitute: Ricardo Vieira (Assistant Researcher).
Announcement/ notification of the results: The final evaluation results will be communicated to all applicants by email.
Deadlines and procedures of complaint and appeal: A complaint may be lodged from the final decision within 15 working days, or an appeal to the Executive Board of IST-ID within 30 working days, both counted from the respective notification
If you would like to contribute your professional competence to our interdisciplinary research, please apply by the following deadline July 31, 2024. by sending documentation to Nuno Sarmento: nuno.sarmento@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Applications must be formalised by sending the following documents:
- Form B1 – Application for a Research Grant;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Certificate of qualifications;
- Proof of enrolment in a cycle of studies leading to a doctorate degree (to be delivered when the fellowship contract is signed);
- Letter of motivation.
For more information please contact Nuno Sarmento or visit IST-ID website.