Stakeholder Engagement

  • STEP UP aims to generate evidence supporting policy development for sustainable livestock systems and enhance stakeholder engagement and knowledge dissemination
  • STEP UP aims to provide a unique and warranted platform to support the development of informed and objective policy measures to optimise the central role of livestock in meeting the nutritional and societal needs of the European and global population
    “In order to address the many challenges facing European Livestock Production Systems, the overall objective of STEP UP is to provide policy makers with a robust evidence base on the impacts and externalities and, in particular, monetised values of livestock farming as part of the food system and wider ecosystem”. David Kenny Project Coordinator

    Are you interested in the future of European livestock production?
    Is livestock production in Europe important to you?

    Get Involved:

    • Farmers
    • On-field livestock practitioners
    • Data providers
    • Research institutions and industry experts
    • Policymakers
    • European Commission
    • Other key agriculture actors

    Subscribe to the STEP UP project stakeholder mailing list to take part in events and receive updates on the project. 
    Joining STEP UP as a stakeholder is a great opportunity to network, promote and exchange knowledge and experience on future sustainability of livestock production.

    STEP UP will employ a “Multi Actor Approach” providing the opportunity for a diverse range of people to network, promote and exchange knowledge and experience on future sustainability, transition and innovation in European livestock production systems.